ROBERT HOOKE, described by his contemporaries as “the most inventive man who ever lived,” is now hailed as England’s Leonardo da Vinci
ROBERT HOOKE, calificado ya en su época de “el hombre con más inventiva de todos los tiempos”, es considerado hoy el Leonardo da Vinci británicoHooke was a learned man and a brilliant inventor. Among his many creations are the universal joint, used in today’s motor vehicles; the iris diaphragm, which regulates the aperture size in cameras; and the spring control in the balance wheel of watches
Robert Hooke, formuló la ley de la elasticidad, o ley de Hooke, ecuación con la que hasta nuestros días se calcula la elasticidad de los muelles
He formulated Hooke’s law, an equation still in use today to describe the elasticity of springsRobert Hooke, Uno de sus mayores logros fue diseñar un microscopio compuesto, que materializó más tarde Christopher Cock, famoso fabricante de instrumentos londinense
One of Hooke’s greatest achievements, however, was his design of a compound microscope, which was later built by Christopher Cock, a famous instrument maker in London
Hooke subsequently coined the word “cell” to describe the honeycomb cavities in cork, which he could examine through his instrument. “Cell” was later applied to the basic building blocks of living things.
Hooke’s book Micrographia (Small Drawings), published in 1665, brought him early fame
Hooke was the first person to examine fossils under a microscope, which led him to conclude that they were the remains or traces of long-dead organisms
Hooke también fue un magnífico astrónomo y uno de los primeros en construir un telescopio reflector, al que llamó “telescopio gregoriano” en honor al matemático y astrónomo escocés James Gregory
Hooke excelled as an astronomer and was among the first to build a reflecting telescope, which he named after Scottish mathematician and astronomer James Gregory
Hooke observed that the planet Jupiter rotates on its axis, and his sketches of Mars were used two centuries later to determine the planet’s rate of rotation
La labor de Hooke también estimuló las investigaciones de Newton sobre la naturaleza de la luz.
In 1687, Isaac Newton published Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy.
Hooke’s fame all but sank into oblivion for over two centuries.
Robert Hooke fue un gigante de su época como arquitecto, inspector de construcciones, astrónomo, experimentador e inventor
As an architect, astronomer, experimental scientist, inventor, and surveyor, Robert Hooke was a giant in his day.
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